Page 6 - CSA Speaker Bulletin March 2018 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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What Will For three decades Anders Fogh protect civilians in Libya took six
Rasmussen has been at the days. In the future we may not
Killer centre of global and European even have six minutes. We need to
Robots politics, including having been speed our decision-making process
NATO Secretary General. Also exponentially.
Mean as Prime Minister of Denmark,
for World Anders held the Presidency It is often said that the state which
Order? of the European Union and cracks this technology will have a
negotiated the joining of 10 major tactical advantage in future
Anders Fogh Rasmussen meets new EU members. wars. Of course, the major powers
Sophia the Robot. are all investing substantially, but in
Artificial intelligence (AI) has an alliance like NATO we also see
the capacity to transform a growing gap between the ‘haves’
warfare in a manner not and the ‘have nots’; those states that
seen since the invention believe the US will be first over the
of Blitzkrieg in the late 1930s. Are finishing line are investing very little
we ready? And what will AI, or ‘killer in defences and new capabilities.
robots’ mean for our world order? I However, this would be a major
fear it will make us far less stable. strategic blunder.
In theory, future battles could last just
minutes. Swarms of truly autonomous Across the world, we need to have a
armed drones with different types serious discussion about some of the
of on-board AI could descend on many moral and practical questions
a target, joined or preceded by a that AI is throwing up. In particular,
major cyberattack that can debilitate the role of humans in the command
critical infrastructure. This would chain. Humans can either be ‘in the
be combined with a misinformation loop’, having full control over systems,
campaign that spreads confusion they can be ‘on the loop’, having the
among the citizenry. A state could power to intervene on an automated
thus be incapacitated in a matter system, or they could be ‘out of the
of minutes before it even had the loop’, meaning they tell a system to
opportunity to respond. ‘attack’ and it takes care of the rest.
I believe that a human being should
In the nuclear age, no major powers always be involved in taking a life
have gone to war against each or death decision, so I have begun
other because of the mutually arguing for a global non-proliferation
assured destruction that would surely agreement on fully automated
follow if a conflict became nuclear. weapons systems.
However, AI, cyber-attacks and
more broadly hybrid warfare blur AI offers enormous opportunities for
the lines in conflict, even making our future economic, societal and
it unclear whether a state is under diplomatic development. We should
attack until after it is over. When embrace this progress, but policy-
NATO decided to defend the civilian makers need to have a number of
population in Kosovo, the Alliance’s honest discussions now about the
internal decision-making took six right framework for its development,
months. However the decision to so that it disrupts in a positive, rather
than deadly, manner.
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