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HERMINIA IBARRA,                        DECISION MAKING GURU                   CHRIS VALASEK IS ON THE
EXPERT, MOVES TO LBS                    FROM TV TO RADIO                       CRUISE AUTOMATION

Herminia Ibarra, has recently been      Visionary economist, Noreena           Chris Valasek, Security Lead at Uber,
appointed Professor of Organizational   Hertz has started a new role. She      is moving to Cruise. Valasek made
Behaviour at London Business            is going to host her own radio show    worldwide headlines for his remote
School. Prior to this Herminia was      in America on Sirius XM, the biggest   hack of the 2014 Jeep Cherokee
Professor of Leadership and Learning    radio network in the US, MegaHertz:    where he obtained physical control
as well as Professor of Organizational  London Calling. Noreena will be the    of the vehicle. Chris will be helping
Behavior at INSEAD. Her current         network's first non-US voice and will  to head up Cruise’s Autonomous
role embraces educating leaders         be sharing her insights on what's      Vehicle security team. Cruise is GM’s
through writing, teaching, speaking     going on in Europe and the UK with     self-driving car company and GM are
and consulting. Thinkers50 placed       her listeners as well as providing     investing heavily in creating the most
her among the 10 most influential       insights into how America is being     robust secure systems for safety and
business gurus in the world.            perceived by the rest of the world.    security of customers.

FUTUROLOGIST ARIC DROMI APPOINTED TO NEW                         focuses on 10-15-year future scenarios making it tangible
BOARD POSITIONS                                                  and most important, make it relevant.

Aric Dromi is a futurologist, digital philosopher and Strategic  View Aric’s latest video clip, where he talks about the future
Advisor. Alongside running his own company TEMPUS.               of the transport industry and how vehicles will be redefined
MOTU, Aric has been the in-house futurologist at Volvo Cars      by thinking software and services first and only then about
Group for some time. This year he has been appointed to          the car itself.
two new Advisory Board roles. Firstly he was appointed to
the Board of the NTT innovation Institute Inc. Their purpose
is to uncover ambitious ideas from the vast global network
on NTT Group’s R&D labs and engage in a collaborative
approach to R&D with Silicon Valley start-ups as well as
major corporations. Aric has also been appointed to the
Innovation Advisory Board of UNLEASH. This is a global
innovation lab that brings together people from all over the
world to transform 1,000 personal insights into hundreds of
ideas, and build lasting global networks around the UN’S
Sustainable Development Goals. For our clients Aric
delivers speeches that frame questions and help people
identify and abandon old paradigms and rethink thinking. He

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