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What do a World-Leading Roboticist, a true Polymath
and a Global Politician Have in Common?
They are all first class speakers with Celebrity Speakers and represent merely a snapshot of the variety
and depth of individuals who we work with closely. Whatever the requirement and brief you may have,
we work tirelessly to ensure we get the perfect fit for your need. Read a little about the roboticist,
polymath and politician below.
Rodney Brooks is a world-leading Bruce Dickinson is a true polymath. Anders Fogh Rasmussen is a
roboticist. He builds robots based He is an entrepreneur, creative global politician. He is former NATO
on biological principles of movement business thinker, commercial pilot and Secretary General, former Prime
and reasoning. He is the founder brewmaster, in addition of course, to Minister of Denmark and founder of
and CTO of Rethink Robotics, whose being the lead singer of Iron Maiden. the Alliance of Democracies.
mission is to apply advanced robotic
intelligence to manufacturing and As a business speaker Bruce shares Anders is an outstanding statesman:
physical labour. his insights on ‘turning customers into whilst Denmark held the presidency
fans’, business creativity and start-ups of the EU he concluded 10 candidate
He is emeritus Professor at MIT and a and corporate culture. He also covers negotiations for accession to
TED speaker who promotes the value risk management, entrepreneurship membership and at NATO he helped
of robotics and artificial intelligence. and the travel aviation industry. create a fundamental transformation
of the Alliance, developing and setting
He shares his insights on the world’s Bruce’s latest business ventures core priorities for the future.
most innovative and promising include being involved in an airship
robotics projects, including smart, venture to manufacture lighter than As a speaker Anders discusses
collaborative robots (cobots), which air hybrid transport aircraft and international security challenges,
together with humans will change ‘Pouncer’, the edible drone that will effective leadership in today’s climate
and improve the workplace and safely fly humanitarian aid into hard to as well as giving unique insights into
home of the future. His topics include access disaster areas. geopolitical trends and international
adaptive behaviour, applied artificial hotspots.
intelligence and autonomous robots.
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