Page 12 - CSA Speaker Bulletin March 2018 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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Succeeding in an Era of
AI and Automation
Dr. Ayesha Khanna is in this hybrid reality of AI embedded learning journey. They must be up-
CEO of ADDO AI, an across a wide range of professions, skilled to adapt to new technologies
artificial intelligence firm they must learn how to work with AI- and work in teams that include
headquartered in Singapore empowered systems and robots. This data scientists and programmers.
with offices in Berlin and is as true of existing industries that will As banks move towards branchless
Dubai. She is a strategic become disrupted such as law and digital-only banks that are served
advisor on AI, smart cities accounting (by some estimates, over by smartphone chatbots and robo-
and fintech to numerous 30 percent of current banking jobs advisors to replace private wealth
governments and companies. will be digitised and automated as managers, banking professionals
In 2017, ADDO AI was well), and also emerging sectors that must learn new fintech applications
featured in Forbes magazine will thrive and grow such as virtual that are being deployed across the
as one of four leading artificial reality. In both cases, employers will economy. Popular programs such as
intelligence companies in expect people to match their domain MIT’s Fintech Certificate and courses
Asia. Ayesha has a BA from expertise with the capabilities of AI. offered by new organisations such as
Harvard University, an MS from the Centre for Finance, Technology
Columbia University and a For young students, computational and Entrepreneurship (CFTE) provide
PhD from the London School of literacy will become as critical as the an avenue for bankers to pivot their
Economics. ability to read, write and do basic knowledge and skills to remain
math, while existing employees will marketable.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) be expected to add value on top
is maturing beyond hype of automated processes. How we Even as many industries will be
to reality as over 85% educate people in this new era of disrupted, optimised and automated
of senior executives automation is important: learning by AI, others will emerge that will
(according to a survey by MIT Sloan how to creatively solve problems is as require knowledge, creativity and
Management Review) believe AI will critical as learning the mathematical human ingenuity. But in order to
enable them to obtain a competitive and computer science techniques of confidently prepare for this new
advantage. For people to succeed AI. This implies that the humanities world, we must equip ourselves with
and science subjects traditionally the necessary skills and become
taught as separate and distinct fields lifelong learners.
must in fact be merged and taught
in a project-based manner. Schools
like Quest2Learn in New York and
High Tech High in California exemplify
the kind of institution whose students
are well-prepared for 21st century
industries like additive manufacturing,
space engineering and computational
Mid-career employees must now
embark on a complicated life long
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