Page 17 - CSA Speaker Bulletin March 2018 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 17
The TheoDurnycanoWfarCdlereativity
Ibelieve everyone is creative. I So how will we compete in a world can change the world, are the ones
also believe it’s getting harder to that is becoming automated faster who do, and I am crazy enough to
convince people of that. Why? than we can think? believe that everyone is creative and I
Because the world is changing. It am on a mission to prove it.”
always is. But this time, it’s different. I believe that the one core human
This time the changes are coming so element to compete in this brave new “I believe that the
fast, it’s nearly impossible to keep up. world will be our own Creativity. The one core human
ability to Think Different and design element to compete
Think of all the progress we’ve made creative solutions for challenges big in this brave new
in the past 25 years. Now, compare and small. But haven’t we all been world will be our own
those advancements to the previous told that we’re not creative? Creativity.”
Ask a group of adults if they can draw I hope to help people change the
The next decade will be the most and watch how few hands are raised. world by providing everyone with the
disruptive time period of our lives Ask a classroom of 6 years-olds and tools they need to realize their own
as Artificial Intelligence rips up the every hand shoots into the air. We Creativity and to give them the ability
rule book by Thinking Differently and were all kids once, but the stagnant to Think Different.
challenging every paradigm we’ve world of education and corporate
ever known. Leaving in its wake thinking have engrained in all of us Duncan Wardle is Former
hundreds of companies and brands the concept of only looking for the Vice President of Innovation
we grew up with and admired. “one right answer.” So much so, that and Creativity at Walt Disney
we’ve simply stopped looking for the Company and now works as an
others. We’ve been iterating instead independent consultant.
of innovating, making marginal
improvements on what worked the
year before.
To paraphrase Steve Jobs, “The ones
who see things differently, the ones
who are crazy enough to think they
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