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QCivil is using                            blockchain space is still in its nascent     others in this space but the overall
               blockchain as the           stages but there is tremendous               and underlying technology is moving
               backbone behind             momentum and interest around                 ahead at a rapid pace.
               this new news force.        ways it can assist with everything
 This is an innovative move that           from voting to healthcare records to           DANIEL SIEBERG AND STEVE WOZNIAK
 a lot of people are watching.             even tracking music files and helping          DISCUSSING BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY
 How does it feel to be at the             bands/musicians get compensated                AT A RECENT CONFERENCE.
 forefront of a new movement/              for their work. We see it as a
 way to receive and share news?            chance for journalism to tap into the
                                           immutability of blockchain coupled
AI compare it to learning a                with its opportunity for a governance
                new language as there are  structure, payment processes within
                new terms, new concepts    our platform and other utility cases
                and new paradigms to how   that include how a newsroom is able
 we communicate, share and exchange        to access the publishing content
 information and transactions. The         management system on Civil. All that
                                           is to say that I'm still learning like many

             Don Tapscott

Blockchain Research Institute

                                           Group, a think tank that                     what we can achieve online, how we
                                           regularly advises business and               do it, and who can participate.
                                           government leaders around the
                                           world.                                                “A masterpiece.
                                                                                           Gracefully dissects the
Don Tapscott is the Founder                Don writes and speaks                          potential of blockchain
and Executive Chairman of the                               about the digital              technology to take on
Blockchain Research Institute.                              economy. His latest book,      today’s most pressing
Ranked the second most                                      entitled BLOCKCHAIN
influential management thinker               REVOLUTION: How the Technology                  global challenges..”
in the world by Thinkers50, Don              behind Bitcoin is Changing Money,
is one of the world’s leading                Business and the World, is, according                          Hernando De Soto,
authorities on innovation,                   to Harvard Business School’s Clay                      Economist and President of
media and the economic and                   Christensen, “the book, literally                      the Institute for Liberty and
social impacts of technology.                on how to survive and thrive in this
He is the CEO of The Tapscott                next wave of technology-driven                                       Democracy, Peru
                                             disruption.” This will be the first book
                                             to explain why blockchain technology
                                             – a truly open, distributed, global
                                             platform – will fundamentally change

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