Page 22 - CSA Speaker Bulletin March 2018 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 22


           WELL-BEING &

                                              Ray Hammond is Europe’s most experienced
                                                            and most widely published futurist

How do you feel about the                pace of change has never been this       devices such as fitness bands,
technology you use at work?              fast, yet it will never be this slow     smart watches, stress monitors,
                                         again.”                                  sleep monitors (for home use!) and
Does it feel as though you’re                                                     meditation apps.
drowning in emails, messages,            And if that pithy observation sends a
calendar schedules and                   chill down your spine, there is some     Used as part of a planned wellness
conference calls? Does it feel           help at hand and, this time, it is       programme these devices and
as if you have no time to do             technology itself that is the solution.  apps can help ensure the harassed
anything properly?                                                                executive takes regular breaks, gets
                                         “Workplace wellness” is a major new      enough exercise and maintains overall
Or do you feel liberated and             trend being adopted in U.S. offices      health.
empowered by better and                  which is now spreading to workplaces
faster search engines, software          in other nations.                        Most employers are subsidising
that anticipates your needs                                                       the cost of fitness wearables and
and virtual assistants that daily        A healthier employee is a happier        running corporate programmes to
become more intelligent?                 employee—and also a more                 encourage opt in by staff members.
                                         productive one. That’s why employers     It is important to check who has
Too many of us fall into the first       are introducing wellness programs in     access to the data produced by
category and many “information           droves, and at the same time turning     health and fitness wearables, but it is
workers” experience stress as they       to technology as a tool to monitor,      interesting (and slightly ironic) that it is
fight to stay on top of technology that  promote, and reward their employees’     technology itself that is providing the
seems to be constantly changing and      fitness achievements.                    antidote to the ever-increasing rate of
demanding that we learn new skills.                                               change.
                                         The technologies employed to
Canadian Prime Minister Justin           promote fitness and reduce stress
Trudeau recently pointed out: “The       among workers include wearable

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