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HOT OFF THE PRESS                                                In her latest book Start-Up Forever, published in February,
                                                                 she throws out the excuses that have previously stifled
Start-Up Forever                                                 entrepreneurial behaviour in big companies. She
by Sahar Hashemi                                                 believes big companies acting like start-ups are neither
                                                                 unattainable, nor complicated. It’s simple, intuitive and in
Sahar Hashemi OBE is co-founder of Coffee Republic               fact very human.
and Skinny Candy. In addition to being World Economic
Forum's Young Global Leader, Sahar is now Co-Chair for           This revolutionary new manifesto distils the author's
the Government Scale-Up Taskforce, which brings together         decades of experience as an entrepreneur and top thought
entrepreneurs, investors and local bodies from                   leader into a simple actionable toolkit that breaks through
around the UK to help more businesses
become high growth.                                                     out-dated habits and shifts organisations - whatever
                                                                                 their sector, industry or size - towards a more
She is also part of Change Please, a                                                  entrepreneurial mindset, one person and one
disruptive coffee brand that recruits                                                     behaviour at a time.
staff from local homeless shelters
and trains them to become baristas                                                           She asks: 'In the face of disruptive
with their own mobile coffee carts.                                                            change, how do we become more
                                                                                                     agile? More resilient? More open
Sahar sits on the advisory board of                                                                     to change? 'How can we grow
the Fashion Trust offering business                                                                      big and still act small?'
support to new designers and is
helping University of Bristol launch a first                                                              As the relentless pace of
of its kind degree course combining innovation                                                          change forces established
and entrepreneurship with traditional subjects. She has                                              organisations to re-think their
recently featured in the Sunday Times, discussing her                                           cultures, these are the questions
accomplishments.                                                 keeping leaders up at night.

HOT OFF THE PRESS                                                been billed as "an important, game-changing book about
                                                                 the most pressing issue of today" and was subject to a
Noreena Hertz                                                    major international bidding war.
Announces New Book
                                                                 Tackling the loneliness crisis from a global perspective,
Noreena Hertz advises a select group of the                      Noreena reveals how the political, economic and
world’s leading business and political figures
on strategy, economic and geo-political risk,                             technological infrastructure of our lives colours our
artificial intelligence, digital transformation,                                most private emotions, the societal crisis that
and demographic change.                                                             engenders, and the commercial opportunity
                                                                                      this presents. The Lonely Century closes with
Her latest book, due out in 2020, explores                                             a call to arms and a bold new vision for what
as seemingly disparate themes as the                                                   we must do at an individual, government
future of work, AI, robotics and the rise of                                           and business level if we are to reconnect
far right populism through the lens of isolation,                                     society, repair its fractures and alleviate our
disconnection and loneliness. The Lonely Century has                               collective loneliness. Ultimately this is a book of

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