Page 9 - CSA Speaker Bulletin October 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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Facing a global climate solar and wind energies and the plummeting price of solar and wind
emergency, a younger generation accompanying clean technologies, and the fallout from peak oil demand
of millennials and Gen Zs is green business practices, and and accumulating stranded assets
spearheading an unprecedented processes of circularity and resilience in the oil industry. The marketplace
planetary mobilization in support of that are the central features of an is speaking, and governments
a global Green New Deal to save life ecological society. everywhere will need to quickly adapt
on Earth and setting the agenda for if they are to survive and prosper.
a bold political movement with the The levelized costs of utility-scale
potential to revolutionize society. solar and wind installations have It is clear that the world needs a new
plummeted and are now below economic vision that is compelling
In the United States, all of the major the cost of nuclear power, oil, and executable by big cities, small
Democratic Party candidates for coal, and natural gas, leaving the towns, and rural communities if we are
the U.S. 2020 presidential elections old conventional energies and to make the transition from a dying
have announced their support of a accompanying technologies behind. fossil fuel civilization to an emerging
Green New Deal, as has the United New studies are sounding the alarm green civilization. We are on the cusp
States Conference of Mayors. In the that trillions of dollars in stranded of a Green New Deal Third Industrial
European Union, Ursula von der Leyen, fossil fuel assets could create a Revolution that can take us into a
the President-elect of the European carbon bubble likely to burst by 2028, post-carbon zero-emission green era.
Commission, has likewise made the causing the collapse of the fossil fuel We need to be hopeful that we can
Green New Deal the centerpiece of civilization. “Stranded assets” are all get there in time.
Europe’s transformation into a zero- the fossil fuels that will remain in the
emission post-carbon society. ground because of falling demand Jeremy Rifkin is the author of
as well as the abandonment of The Green New Deal: Why the
While the Green New Deal has pipelines, ocean platforms, storage Fossil Fuel Civilization Will
become a lightning rod in the political facilities, energy generation plants, Collapse by 2028, and the Bold
sphere, there is a parallel movement backup power plants, petrochemical Economic Plan to Save Life on
emerging within the business processing facilities, gasoline stations, Earth. Rifkin is an advisor to
community that will shake the very auto service centers, and the myriad the leadership of the European
foundation of the global economy industries tightly coupled to the fossil Union and the People’s Republic
in coming years. Key sectors of the fuel culture. of China, and a principal
economy – ICT; power and electricity; architect of their Green New
transportation and logistics; and real The leading oil-producing and Deal -style transitions.
estate – are fast decoupling from consuming nations will be caught
fossil fuels in favor of ever cheaper in the crosshairs between the
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