Page 11 - CSA Speaker Bulletin October 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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its first actions being to donate US$5 things and the collective power economic and social theorist, writer,
million to help protect the Amazon of individual action. Here she is in public speaker, political advisor, and
rainforest. “The largest rainforest conversation with Guy Kawasaki. activist. Rifkin is the author of 20
in the world is a critical piece of the bestselling books about the impact of
global climate solution,” DiCaprio Marga Hoek is a visionary, scientific and technological changes
wrote in an Instagram post. “Without international figurehead recognised on the economy, the workforce,
the Amazon, we cannot keep the for her ongoing thought and business society, and the environment. He
earth’s warming in check.” leadership on sustainable business has just published his new book The
and capital. Marga focuses on Green New Deal and has written an
World renowned ethologist and how business and capital have article for CSA Celebrity Speakers
conservationist Dr Jane Goodall the responsibility, and opportunity discussing the Green New Deal to
founded Roots & Shoots, a global to create sustainable value, and save life on earth (page 7).
program that guides young people contribute to the solving of global
in nearly 100 countries in becoming challenges, using the UN Sustainable
conservation activists and leaders Development Goals (SDGs) as a
in their daily lives. Today she travels framework. Working towards these
the world, speaking about the threats SDGs is not just a goal on its own, by
facing chimpanzees, environmental doing so tremendous opportunities
crises and her reasons for hope. In her and new markets become available.
books and speeches, she emphasizes Watch Marga’s TED video on page 2.
the interconnectedness of all living Jeremy Rifkin is an American
"It is still possible
to transform the
global economy
and save life on
earth - if we act
- Jeremy Rifkin