Page 15 - CSA Speaker Bulletin October 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 15


importance of diversity to the MeToo    across a midnight landscape of sand     background colour of the set, the
campaign. Both needed to happen         and rocks, while the ‘wind' from        music you will use to ‘play them on’,
but they rocked Hollywood to its core.  Border Patrol helicopters tousled       whether they might have trouble
The changes in career opportunities     my hair and whipped around my           climbing stage steps, whether they
and recognition for women, people of    ankles, accompanied by the din from     are hard of hearing or need a lapel
colour, the LGBTQ+, and other under-    the thunderous flying engines which     mic instead of a handheld mic. Those
represented communities is immense.     thumped in my chest.                    are the basics. After that, it's all
Hollywood, which may have                                                       about the interview and knowing
seemed like a concept stuck in the      "Content can                            how to extemporise, and knowing
Golden Age of yesteryear for some       be used well to                         the subject. Always add humour as
decades, has evolved at an ever         help position                           it calms people down, always smile,
increasing rate in recent years. The    or reposition                           rarely look at your notes and be
pace of change has accelerated          a brand in its                          self deprecating. Always be more
as technological change pushes us       market place."                          interested in them than yourself.
harder towards a place where the                                                Years of writing interviews for David
future is now. What we can conceive     My fellow VR travellers, parents        Frost and working with chat show
can be created seemingly which          and children alike, cowered behind      host Michael Parkinson stood me in
makes me worried for our ability to     boulders bringing the all-too-real      good stead for taking on Hollywood’s
form new types of creative expression   awfulness of the scene up far too       finest.
quickly enough. But with VR we have     close and far too personal. Guns
found a device, a concept and art       were brandished, people shouted,        From all your time
form all rolled into one that is on     children cried and it all simply broke  working on major shows
the cutting edge of technology yet      my heart; if there had been anyone      and with some of the top
pushes emotional boundaries in vital    at the end of the experience asking     names and celebrities,
and visceral ways.                      for money to support displaced and      is there one anecdote
                                        dispossessed peoples I would have       which stands out above
Can you tell us a little                emptied my purse there and then.        all others?
about philanthropic and                 But how wonderful to have been
cause-related content and               fully transported to another time and   Crikey - it would take me a ton of
how it can benefit people               place; the power of VR is not to be     time to find the best - there have
around the world?                       underestimated.                         been so many. Losing Joe Cocker
                                                                                for three days before the Lennon
I will probably never go to Mexico      You have moderated                      concert in Liverpool, not recognising
and stand on the border at night as     events and interviewed                  Lenny Kravitz when he walked on
a refugee trying to enter the USA, but  many stars; what is the                 set, organising phone calls from the
for anyone who saw the VR exhibition    best approach to ensure                 White House which ended in disaster,
at LACMA by Alejandro Inarritu of       that you get the best                   waiting three infuriating hours for
the extraordinary Carne y Arena you     from people on the day?                 an Oscar winner and then not even
will have been left in no doubt about                                           mentioning she was late, forgetting
the power of VR to persuade, cajole,    Prepare, prepare, prepare. Know         to book an audience of 300 people
move, mesmerise and shock. As for       where people are going to sit,          for a show with two hours’ notice,
cause related issues, it really moves   the order they come on stage, the       being hexed by a white witch we had
the needle. Having no idea what to                                              just interviewed, seeing spoons bend
expect, I experienced Inarritu's story                                          in my own hands after Uri Geller
of migrants on the Mexican border                                               handed them to me, losing all lighting
both clueless and shoeless; after                                               live on air and completing the show
removing my footwear and donning                                                on a couple of torches and one lamp.
my headset I found myself tiptoeing                                             I have many more!

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