Page 19 - CSA Speaker Bulletin October 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 19


                               What You Say About Our Speakers

“                                        “                                  “

“Martina Navratilova was                 “Joschka Fischer thrilled our      “Michael Johnson was
excellent. She had great content         guests with his knowledgeable      fantastic. He gave a truly
and was absolutely wonderful,            speech on European policy          motivational speech as well as a
charming, inspiring, interesting         perspectives. We got great         meet and greet. He couldn’t do
and humble.”                             feedback.”                         enough for us.”

          Global Insurance Agents         Professional Services Provider                    IT Services Company

                                         What You Say About CSA

“                                        “                                  “

“You delivered great service             “You were, as always,              “Your service levels are
from initial recommendations             responsive and providing           excellent. You all go the
of potential speakers to quickly         excellent service, always          extra mile, which is greatly
securing a booking. Good level           coming up trumps with great        appreciated. You have some
of correspondence and a lovely           speakers. We couldn’t ask for      stars working on your
team.”                                   more.”                             team.”

                         Training Group          Professional Organisation       Insurance Services Provider

For more information on our contributors or to book them for any of your
events please contact:

CSA Celebrity Speakers Ltd                                       tel: +44(0)845 216 0100
90 High Street                                                   email:
Burnham, Buckinghamshire                                         web:
SL1 7JT, United Kingdom                                          web:

© 2019 Celebrity Speakers Ltd  To book call: +44(0)845 216 0100  Email:  Visit:
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