Page 17 - CSA Speaker Bulletin October 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 17


Turning                                 Dame Inga Beale is a former CEO of Lloyd’s of
Awareness                               London and a workplace equality advocate. A
into Action                             British businesswoman with over three decades of
                                        experience in global financial services, Inga talks
                                        here about the progress being made toward a
                                        more inclusive society and workplace for all.

Last year we celebrated 100 years       independence later in life as the         •	 the UK unemployment rate of the
       of a very special milestone for  average pension wealth of women
       women in the UK and Ireland.     in the UK aged 65 is £35,800 – just             7.6 million people of working age
 In February 1918 history was made      1/5th of men the same age. It starts            reporting a disability is 8% vs 3.3%
 when, after decades of campaigning,    early on in life even to the extent that        for those without disabilities 4
 women were given the right to          female apprentices earn 21% less per
 vote – a real breakthrough towards     hour than their male counterparts. 1      Many people are of the view that if
 achieving a more equal, inclusive                                                we can solve the gender imbalance,
 world.                                 This is just a reflection of one section  we can solve the imbalance for other
                                        of the workforce but when we look at      under-represented groups. I say it’s up
 So how inclusive is our world today?   others there are worrying facts…          to all of us to take diversity seriously
 How inclusive are our societies and                                              and to think about how to create
 our businesses?                        •	 almost one in five LGBT staff (18%)    inclusive societies and workplaces for
 While much has improved and                  have been the target of negative
 we have a growing new industry               comments or conduct from
 – diversity & inclusion consulting –         work colleagues in the last year
 there’s still much more to do.               because they're LGBT 2

 Gender pay gap reporting this          •	 just 84 of the 1,048 director          1
 year showed a quarter of firms                                                   2
 have a pay gap of more than 20%              positions in the FTSE100            3
 in favour of men. And this has                                                   4
 serious consequences for financial           companies last year were from

                                              an ethnic minority, and that had
                                              fallen from 85 3

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