Page 18 - CSA Speaker Bulletin October 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 18


   Legacy and Liability

                                Andreas Ekström

Iwas born and raised thinking about         a solid intellectual idea. But I also
    legacy. Most of us are. We don’t        believe that the limits we set – for
    intend to, but we become versions       ourselves, for others – are stifling.
 of our parents. We choose equivalent       For the young business leader I
 jobs, we pick similar spouses, we          mentioned, legacy is likely to be
 tend to often remain in the same           holding him back. I can only imagine
 geographical area.What is all this, if     how sick and tired he must be of
 not entertaining the idea of a legacy?     old school ideas of what the family
 The strength of history, of roots to your  business ”should” be – when all he
 tree?                                      wants to do is to reinvent.

I am the first reporter in my family –      And I suspect these same mechanisms     Andreas Ekström is a
but as a keynote speaker, I am more         may apply on an individual level as     futurist and commentator
than anything a teacher. Just like mom      well.                                   on digital revolution. His
and dad, and many other people in                                                   passion is to educate for
my extended family past and present.        Letting other people do what they       digital equality and he aims
And I like that. I like the sense of        want to do and be who they want to      to understand the companies
belonging to an idea, a context, a sort     be is a good start for any enlightened  and behaviours that have
of saga: This is who we are, and this is    human being.                            become drivers of change at
what we do. Of course, these thoughts                                               all levels of society. He talks
limit us tremendously, too.                 But how about yourself? Are you         here about legacy and what it
                                            letting yourself do what you want to    means for each individual.
I came to think of that as I heard a        do? Be who you want to be?
quote from a young Swedish business
tycoon – a guy who is going to be
running a big family business, after
fathers and mothers before him
have done the same for more than a
century. His magical words? Legacy
is a liability. I immediately loved and
hated that.

I believe in a sense of purpose that
can be drawn from a long history or

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