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Professor Eddie Obeng is a                pop-Technology Media portray all         Enterprise VR removes boundaries
digital evangelist, founder of            VR in terms of specialist headsets       & barriers, makes a global business
Pentacle Business School and              designed for consumer experiences.       fully-transparent and enables digital
a world authority on project              Or they focus on Augmented Reality       transformation.
management. He uses his                   for data visualisation. It is difficult
extensive experience and                  to imagine either of these use-cases         “Enterprise
insights to challenge people’s            as strategically important to most         Virtual Reality
perceptions and help them to              enterprises. So if that is your concern     enables digital
see the new reality.                      you are correct to have ignored it.       transformation.”

As you begin to finalise your Digital     You may have ignored it because you      EVR is not designed for gaming,
Strategy for 2018, you may be             were uninspired reading the same         simulation, entertainment visualisation
surprised to discover that fewer than     tired old yawn-making list of VR         or any of the pop-Tech uses but
3% of businesses have included            'advantages', saves business travel,     instead for two specific purposes:
Enterprise Virtual Reality in their mix.  helps view products, training new
                                          staff, dealing with remote workers,      1. To make you and your colleagues
Gartner has stated that Virtual           etc.                                     more productive and drive growth,
Reality is out of the “hype-cycle” and                                             profitability and effectiveness of
is mature enough to be deployed in        However many versions of Enterprise      your organisation.
digital transformation. So you might      VR use your current technology
wonder why this low representation        investment. Even businesses running      2. To educate, skill-up and develop
in Digital Strategies? Why is there       Microsoft XP can use versions of EVR     your people and to transform
so little engagement in a technology      to transform the performance of your     your culture to a post Digital
ripe for exploitation? Accenture has      organisation. No goggles required!       Transformation culture which suits
estimated funding has exceeded $8.8       EVR solves many of your typical          your complex, fast-changing, VUCA
billion with the anticipation of markets  challenges such as how to get better     environment. n
worth $120 billion.                       head-to-head collaboration, how
                                          to be more agile across functions,
You may have ignored Enterprise           how to accelerate innovation and
Virtual Reality (EVR) because the         how to embrace remote workers.

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