Page 15 - CSA Speaker Bulletin September 2017 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 15


Memoir To Be Published

Bruce Dickinson is a rock                One of the world’s most storied           personal life) shares, for the first time,
legend, entrepreneur,                    musicians, Bruce Dickinson has            the most fascinating recollections,
creative business thinker,               been the band’s internationally-          including his thirty years with Maiden,
commercial airline pilot,                acclaimed lead singer for more than       the early days, his childhood within
brewmaster and songwriter                30 years, and quite aside from the        the eccentric British school system,
in addition, of course, to               decades spent delivering high-octane      going solo, realising his dream of
being the lead singer of                 performances with his larger-than-        flying jumbo jets and his recent battle
Iron Maiden. Bruce is a true             life persona, Bruce has lived an          with tongue cancer.
renaissance man.                         extraordinary off-stage existence too.
                                         A true polymath, Bruce is, or has         Bruce Dickinson is so much more than
This autumn the hugely                   been, an airline pilot and captain, an    the frontman of one of the biggest
         anticipated memoir from Iron    aviation entrepreneur, a beer brewer,     bands on the planet. A rock icon,
         Maiden frontman and rock        motivational speaker, film scriptwriter,  a true renaissance man, Bruce has
legend, Bruce Dickinson, entitled        twice-published novelist, radio           been, and remains, a man of legend.
What Does This Button Do? is being       presenter, TV actor and a world-class
published.                               fencer.                                   Bold, honest, intelligent and very
                                                                                   entertaining, What Does This Button
Ground-breaking heavy metal              Over the last couple of years, and        Do? is the long-awaited window into
pioneers since their formation in 1975,  throughout Iron Maiden’s The Book Of      the life, heart and mind of one of our
Iron Maiden have sold more than          Souls World Tour, which has covered       most adventurous and multifaceted
ninety million albums and played over    39 countries and 117 shows since          sons.
2000 shows in sixty three countries,     February 2016, Bruce has turned his
making them one of the most              unbridled creativity to writing his       The global publication on 19th
enduringly successful and globally       memoirs. In What Does This Button         October will be accompanied with a
influential bands of all time.           Do?, Bruce (a man who famously            commensurate international book
                                         never gives interviews about his          tour. n

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