Page 18 - CSA Speaker Bulletin September 2017 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 18




 Dr Jung Chang is the author             road they have traversed, China today  When I wrote Wild Swans, Three
 of the best-selling books Wild          would stop being a puzzle, even if it  Daughters of China, (the story of my
 Swans - Three Daughters                 could still astonish.                  grandmother, my mother and myself),
 of China (which The Asian                                                      I was conscious that our experiences
 Wall Street Journal called the          I myself was born in China in 1952,    reflected China’s yesterdays.
 most read book about China)             under the rule of Mao, who closed the
 and Mao: The Unknown                    country completely. My parents were    I left China for Britain in 1978. Mao
 Story (co-written with Jon              senior Communist officials, who fell   had died, and the country was poised
 Halliday). Both books have              victims of the regime. My father died  for seismic changes. The Communist
 been translated into more               as a result; my mother still lives in  Party embraced capitalism, and
 than forty languages, and               China.                                 opened the door to the West. A very
 together sold some fifteen                                                     Chinese characteristic burst out.
 million copies.                            “The hungry
                                         competitiveness to                     My husband, Jon Halliday, once asked
OOne of the most frequently               better themselves                     me if there was a Chinese equivalent
             asked questions is: how       in all aspects is                    for ‘keeping up with the Joneses’.
             did Communist China make                                           I told him that the nearest Chinese
 such a fast and miraculous leap to        rooted deep in                       expression would be ‘overtaking the
 become a fairly affluent society and     Chinese culture.”                     Joneses’.
 the superpower that rivals the United
 States?                                                                        The hungry competitiveness to better
                                                                                themselves in all aspects – rooted
 To me the answer lies largely in who                                           deep in Chinese culture – had been
 the Chinese are. If one follows the                                            held back by war, tyranny, and the
 journeys of their lives, observing the                                         lack of opportunities. In the congenial
                                                                                post-Mao environment, it flourished

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