Page 19 - CSA Speaker Bulletin September 2017 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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intensely, as people had lived through that all my books are banned, my own Chinese mind, take the country? And
so much deprivation. It is this spirit experience has never been short of how might this future China affect
that created the China Phenomenon. roller-coaster drama. Often sad and the world? Both the Chinese people
I have been going back to China even in despair, I nevertheless see and the world at large face a real
virtually every year since I settled hopefulness around me. The driving challenge. n
down in Britain, to visit my mother engine for the Chinese has never
and to research my books. stopped roaring.
I have witnessed the country’s Where might this engine, which has
transformation year by year. Given been promoted to dominate the
HOW ASIAN Many Asian companies traditionally The one reason, more than any
COMPANIES focused on asset-intensive industries. others, that influences the creation
WILL CHALLENGE But it has been demonstrated that the of strong brands is the mindset of the
THE GLOBAL most profitable Asian companies focus boardroom and the CEO. Branding is
BRANDS on intangibles such as human capital, a boardroom discipline and successful
exploiting network effects, and brands can be built only when the
The face of business in Asia creating synergies based on brands boardroom, led by the chairman and
is changing faster than one or reputation, rather than investing in the CEO, understands, appreciates
can blink one’s eyes. Asian tangible assets. and commits to treating branding
companies that used to be back-end as a strategic discipline and devotes
workhorses, manufacturing consumer The new change-makers in Asia are resources to support the brand
goods cheaply for Western companies, the second- and third-generation continuously.
are slowly realizing the benefits family owners who for the first time
of branding and building a global are daring to question the existing Asian cultures have always valued
footprint. business models. It is natural for the long-term outlook in almost any
younger generations to want to aspect of life. Asian boardrooms
move away from the traditional Asian should use this unique strength to
manufacturing and trading paradigm influence them in creating more
into an era of brands and trademarks. successful brands – but it requires
They typically have overseas a different mindset in the Asian
experience from other industries or boardroom. n
consulting, and they bring that mind-
set back to Asian boardrooms. Martin Roll is a C-suite
mentor, business & brand
In the coming years, the global strategist and author. He
companies will face intensified consistently delivers impact
competition from Asian challenger for enterprises around the
companies whom are bold, daring and world. Now back in Europe
different in their approach to building after 17 years in Asia, Martin
global brands at scale. Marketing is is uniquely placed to offer
moving into the Asian boardrooms as his strategic insights into
a strategic discipline which will help to how Asian companies will
create customer-centric organizations challenge the global brands.
and brands.
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