Page 9 - CSA Speaker Bulletin December 2017 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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Professor Noreena Hertz steam including amongst some will inevitably be set against
is a visionary economist, politicians already in power. Free a backdrop of continued
decision-making guru and trade can no longer be assumed technological disruption.
author with an impressive to be the global default moving Developments in Artificial
track record in predicting forward. Intelligence will engender new
global trends. She has business opportunities and
advised some of the Geopolitical risk will also remain efficiencies. The imperative
world’s leading political and high next year, primarily because for businesses to reduce their
business leaders on strategy, there is a cadre of unpredictable head count will increase – with
economic and geo-political strongmen in top jobs. Odds of an consequent societal rumblings.
risks, digital transformation, all-out war between the US and
Generation K and millennials. North Korea remain low – given “Developments in
She shares with us here how high the costs of that would Artificial Intelligence
her key predictions on what be on both sides - but are not will engender new
we will all be facing in the negligible. With regards Russia, business opportunities
upcoming year. I expect Putin’s havoc-creation and efficiencies.”
strategy to continue over the next
Political risk will remain high twelve months. In the Middle East, At the same time the big four tech
in 2018. Populist politics is we can expect more flashpoints in giants - Amazon, Apple, Facebook
clearly here to stay for the 2018 - the reduced US presence and Google – are likely this coming
near term and I expect a on the global stage a contributory year to continue to encroach
continued rise of the Right and the factor here. into new territories, creating a
Left at the expense of the Centre. huge strain on incumbents and
In practice what this means is that In Europe several present day traditional players. This will further
the backlash against free markets, challenges will continue to play sour governments and policy
free trade, globalisation and even out through the year including the makers towards them. I expect
capitalism will continue to gain Catalonian crisis, Brexit, rising more calls for greater regulation
nationalism and the different and oversight of the biggest tech
visions of Merkel and Macron. players over the coming months,
Each of these has the potential to address growing concerns over
to upend the still fragile growth market dominance, fake news and
of the region and put further privacy.
strain on the EU as an institution.
The Italian elections in March
look likely to be another win for
Geopolitical and political
disruptions such as they are
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