Page 14 - CSA Speaker Bulletin December 2017 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 14


               Blockchain Technology
         Has Become the Paradigm

               Shift it Promised to Be

                                                                              PETER VESSENES

                                                                  CO-FOUNDER OF THE BITCOIN FOUNDATION

Peter Vessenes has a long          as a bubble. Those in the know        now taking a hard look at the
history in blockchain as the       have no doubt about blockchain’s      ICO arena—including backing
co-founder of the Bitcoin          far-reaching impact: Entire           companies ahead of planned ICOs.
Foundation and its first           industries will change, economies
executive director and             will decentralize, and the nature of  Blockchain technology today
chairman. He launched              transactions will transform.          seems like the internet did in
the first Venture-backed                                                 1992, poised to disrupt everything.
Bitcoin Company in 2011:           Technology startups are already       It is opening up a wealth of new
CoinLab, Inc. and has              embracing the disruption. By          possibilities in all sectors including
advised the Department of          using blockchain technology and       energy, finance, retail, banking,
Treasury, FinCEN and the US        tokenized models, Cryptocurrency      education and government.
Senate GAO, among others.          startups raised $3.2 billion in       And as the market scales, there
His newest enterprise,             2017 so far through Initial Coin      are principles emerging that no
New Alchemy, provides              Offerings (ICOs). It works like       business should ignore. Those who
technology, token game             this—companies planning to build      view blockchain and tokenization
theory and ICO advisory to         new services on the blockchain        as hype will miss out on one of the
the world’s most innovative        use tokens as a mechanism for the     most powerful technological and
companies. New Alchemy has         exchange of information and value     economic shifts of this era. It will
been involved in over $2bn of      within their product. They sell       be their loss!
tokenization since its launch      these tokens through ICOs early
14 months ago.                     in the evolution of the service,      Speaking Topics:
                                   to let token holders get in on the
The cryptocurrency market is       action right at the start. With       •	 Mobile Money
currently at $200 billion up from  this new model of decentralized       •	 Cryptocurrency
10 billion a year and a half ago.  funding, entrepreneurs can fund       •	 Emerging Trends in
When I started in this industry,   their companies without ceding
the crypto-market was still only   any ownership stakes to venture            Technology
at $250,000. Since that time,      capitalists. It’s a paradigm shift    •	 Entrepreneurship
‘Blockchain’ has become a          that is upending the $500 billion     •	 Blockchain - Tapping the
misunderstood buzzword; used       institution of venture capital
by enterprises as a stand-in for   itself. And despite reservations           Firestorm
innovation and trashed by many     about legal, regulatory and           •	 Bitcoin and Exponential
                                   administrative issues, VCs are
                                                                         •	 Venture Investing in the


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