Page 13 - CSA Speaker Bulletin December 2017 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 13

How do you think                           Customer service skills should be      Transforming young people’s
companies should approach                  regularly monitored and assessed,      lives – on arrival these young
improving customer                         with some sort of training scheme      people are often without any
service to achieve excellent               implemented within the company         experience or knowledge in
customer experiences in                    – this is imperative. In this way      customer service, sometimes
their business? What do you                customer service skills will be less   from difficult backgrounds and of
think are the necessary first              likely to slip or be lost; instead     different nationalities. However
steps?                                     they can be continually refreshed      day-by-day I make it my aim to
                                           and enhanced. Such a scheme            nurture them. After several weeks
A:Firstly, it will depend on               can lead to personal rewards for       or months, I am able to see them
                 the type and size of the  staff and ultimately both client and   flourish and begin to understand
                 company. In small set-    company will benefit.                  and acknowledge the needs of
ups it’s easier to identify where                                                 the customers. They seemingly
customer service may be lacking.           You have been immersed                 start to get pleasure from pleasing
In a larger company, you would             in customer service                    and in their own way they are
need to examine and assess areas           throughout your life, is               rewarded by that. Their confidence
or departments, where customer             there anything you would               and personalities strengthen. This
service might be lacking – it could        do differently and can                 transformation is very much a
be where face-to-face service is           you give some examples                 continual highlight of my work.
taking place, over the telephone or        of highlights during your
via email.                                 career?                                Another highlight of my career
                                                                                  was in 1994 when I accompanied
It might be an idea to carry out           A:From the age that I                  Mr Roux to Russia, whereupon
customer surveys on a regular                               am now, when I look   we were invited to organise two
basis to find out where customer                            back and see that on  formal events in the Kremlin for
service is under-performing or             occasions I’ve been too nice and       Mr Boris Yeltsin – an unforgettable
indeed to have staff assessed              generous that people have taken        opportunity and experience.
regularly by a management team.            advantage of this and treated me
                                           like a doormat – this is something     Furthermore, it has been the
To improve customer service                I’d do differently.                    greatest honour and pleasure
the management teams from all                                                     to be of service for all of the
departments should be trained in                                                  Royal Family, in their own
the importance of delivering good                                                 private grounds, as well as at
service, which should be filtered                                                 The Waterside on many, many
down through the ranks.                                                           occasions.

As customer service is such                                                       One of my greatest highlights was
a personal subject and has                                                        in 2011 when I learned that I had
its foundations in human                                                          been awarded the honour of being
relationships, the only way to                                                    knighted by the Italian President
convey convincingly how customer                                                  – Cavaliere dell’Ordine ‘Al merito
service should be performed is to                                                 della Repubblica Italiana’ (the
bring an expert in to share their                                                 equivalent of a knighthood in the
expertise and experience.                                                         UK).

The team should be taught to get
pleasure from pleasing people.

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