Page 16 - CSA Speaker Bulletin December 2017 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 16


     Future of news:

         What’s next?

 DANIEL SIEBERG,                      the father of the world-wide web      metered access. For reasons that
 FORMERLY WITH GOOGLE                 at a conference in Zurich, Tim        continue to baffle me there is
 IS NOW A CO-FOUNDER                  Berners-Lee, who said an early        a resistance to paying for news
 AND HEAD OF JOURNALISM               description of his now-everywhere     content (except in some places in
 OPERATIONS FOR CIVIL, A              connectivity was reviewed by a        the Nordics at marginally higher
 REVOLUTIONARY APPROACH               superior who noted: “vague, but       rates) - any news content, even
 TO DECENTRALIZED NEWS                interesting.” And Berners Lee likes   high-quality news content - which
 CONTENT SUPPORTED BY                 to underscore that it would’ve        means that convincing consumers
 THE BLOCKCHAIN AND                   been much worse for his future        to subscribe to one or more
 CRYPTOCURRENCY.                      efforts had it been the other way     publications could be challenging.
                                      around - “interesting, but vague”     The perception is that the gist of
 Sieberg was previously co-           sounds much more pessimistic.)        the information exists everywhere
 founder of the Google News Lab                                             across social media and search
 and a senior marketing executive     And the murky part is arguably        so why bother reading (or paying
 and official spokesperson at         easier to describe than the           for) anything too in-depth if your
 Google. Prior to joining Google,     promising part. But I’ll do my        motivation is simply to know when
 Sieberg worked as a technology       best.                                 breaking news happens or keep up
 correspondent, analyst and                                                 at a dinner party.
 reporter for the likes of CNN, CBS   As is the common retelling,
 News, ABC News, MSNBC and BBC        newspapers the world over began       Subscriptions face other
 News. His first book, The Digital    to suffer steep advertising losses    challenges as well, not the least
 Diet (Crown), is about healthy       as the rise of the web and search     of which is ensuring as many
 ways to consume technology. He       grew in size in the late 1990s/early  publications - especially at the
 lives in New York with his wife and  2000s. To the point now whereby       local level - have the technical
 two daughters.                       Google and Facebook take the          infrastructure to handle them and
                                      lion’s share of ad dollars while      that the tech companies involved
In a “headline,” I’d say the          publishers wrestle for the rest,      with sourcing the subscriptions
        future of news is: murky but  suffice it to say it’s a business     pairs well with the needs of the
        promising.                    model that will not return to a       news industry writ large (rev-
                                      heyday anytime soon.                  share, bundling, etc.). Oh, and
 (And that’s an important order of                                          whether consumers actually care
 words; notably I recall meeting      So as ads become less relevant,       or not. Some will take the leap
                                      the emphasis has shifted to           into paying for news while others
                                      paywalls and subscriptions and        might see it more as patronage

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