Page 20 - CSA Speaker Bulletin December 2017 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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                                                                                       Rodney Brooks

                                                                 Gentler, More Aware


                                                                             Are CominG...

                                                                                                  MICROSITE | VIDEO

GE Robotics recently             humans in assembly plants          GER: How do you design
spoke to Professor Rodney        and warehouses, handling
Brooks, where he opened          many repetitive, dirty and         them so that they don’t knock
the GE Global Research           difficult tasks. Brooks serves as  someone over?
Robotics Symposium. Below        chairman and chief technology
is an edited version of their    officer of Rethink Robotics,       RB: Our robots have force
conversation.                    whose investors include Bezos
                                 Expeditions, Goldman Sachs, as     sensors in every joint. As they’re
Few people have done more        well as GE Ventures.               moving, they’re predicting how
to bring humans and robots                                          much force they should feel,
together than Rodney Brooks.     GE REPORTS: How do you             and then, if they hit something,
Two decades ago, the Australian                                     within a millisecond or two
inventor, mathematician and      convince factory workers to        they’re aware that the forces
former MIT professor founded     start collaborating with your      are not what they expected. We
iRobot, the company that         robots?                            quickly shut down the motion
designed Roomba, a line of                                          and then we go into what is
robots that zip around homes     RODNEY BROOKS: Most                called squish mode, where a
and clean dirty floors. Today,                                      person can just push the arm
he’s still dreaming up clever    of our customers are putting       out of the way.
ways to make robots do our       robots in places they never
dirty work — but in factories    had robots before. Traditional     GER: Squish mode sounds
rather than living rooms.        industrial robots require a cage
                                 around them so people can’t get    awesome.
In 2008, he founded the Boston-  close to them because they’re
based Rethink Robotics, a        just not safe.                     RB: Indeed. As a result, you’re
company building collaborative
robots like Baxter and the       Our robots are safe. People can    never going to get trapped by
one-armed Sawyer. These          place robots into workspaces       the robot and you only get hit
“cobots” are working next to     right next to humans and have      very, very gently. For my robots,
                                 them take over the really dull,    I’m always willing to put my
                                 repetitive parts of the jobs that  head right in front of the robot
                                 people don’t like doing.           and have a whack. To read more
                                                                    click here.

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