Page 23 - CSA Speaker Bulletin December 2017 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 23


           are a Reality!

Bruce Dickinson, lead singer of  humanitarian emergencies by       The project has already
Iron Maiden and entrepreneur,    delivering survival supplies to   attracted interest from aid
has been appointed Vice –        remote areas hit by natural       organisations Medicins San
Chairman of Pouncer, a UK        catastrophes or conflict.         Frontier (MSF), International
company which has developed                                        Rescue Committee, Oxfam, the
a lightweight edible drone       With 50 kg (110 lb) of food       World Health Organisation, the
that could deliver life-saving   stocked inside its compartments,  Red Cross and Airbus.
supplies to remote areas in      would be able to deliver enough
times of disaster or conflict.   supplies to feed up to 50 people  This will truly be a game-
                                 per day.                          changer for those in war-torn
The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle                                        or disaster-ridden areas of the
(UAV), named Pouncer, which      With up to 40 km (25 miles)       world.
costs £150 ($183) is made        reach, the drone can be
of an edible, starch-based       launched from an aircraft or
thermoplastic and can either be  catapulted from the ground with
eaten or used as shelter after   an accuracy of about 7 metres
being delivered to recipients.   (23 ft), giving it an advantage
                                 over air drops. The problem is
Edible drones filled with food,  you can't guarantee where the
water or medicine could soon     loads will land.
become indispensable in

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