Page 22 - CSA Speaker Bulletin December 2017 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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             Bertrand piccard and the solar impulse foundation
             launches the world alliance for efficient solutions,
             during cop23

Bertrand Piccard is the            spoke about his next big project    identify and select Efficient
initiator and visionary behind     - establishing the World Alliance   Solutions, which it defines
Solar Impulse, the very first      for Efficient Solutions. You can    as products, services, clean
airplane capable of flying         watch him here.                     technologies and processes,
perpetually without fuel.                                              not limited to the production of
                                   Following the success of the first  renewable energy, which are
He is involved with many clean     solar flight around the world,      profitable and sustain economic
technology initiatives, including  the Solar Impulse Foundation        growth, while protecting the
the International Energy Agency.   has now officially launched the     environment and optimising the
The IEA has launched a new         second phase of its action –        use of natural resources.
high-level distinguished speaker   the World Alliance for Efficient
series, big IdEAs. In summer       Solutions – during COP23,           “Today, thousands of solutions
2017 Bertrand Piccard was          with the goal of selecting 1000     exist that can boost economic
invited to the IEA to talk about   solutions that can protect the      growth while preserving nature,
his experience flying around       environment in a profitable         but they remain unknown to
the world without fuel in Solar    way, and bring them to decision     decision makers and are not
Impulse, an aircraft powered       makers at COP24 to encourage        implemented at industry level,”
only by the sun’s rays. He also    them to set their goals much        commented Bertrand Piccard.
                                   higher in terms of energy and       “Our goal is to select 1000
                                   the environment                     solutions that are both clean
                                                                       and profitable and bring them to
                                   This is a major milestone for the   decision-makers to demonstrate
                                   World Alliance, which at present    that they must urgently stop
                                   already counts 474 Members          compromising for minimal
                                   that together combine more          targets and adopt much more
                                   than 500 potential solutions.       ambitious environmental and
                                   It can now officially begin to      energy policies.”

The UN Climate Change Conference (COP23) took place in 2017 from 6 to 17 November. The nations of
the world met to advance the aims and ambitions of the Paris Agreement and achieve progress on its
implementation guidelines. Click here to watch their latest videos.

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