Page 24 - CSA Speaker Bulletin December 2017 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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                               ANNUAL MEETING 2018 TO FOCUS
                               ON CREATING A SHARED FUTURE

The WEF Annual Meeting will       policies are being formulated to    By coming together at the
take place in Davos, from         preserve the benefits of global     start of the year, we can
23rd to 26th January 2018.        integration while limiting shared   shape the future by joining
The theme for the meeting is      obligations such as sustainable     this unparalleled global effort
‘Creating a Shared Future in a    development, inclusive growth       in co-design, co-creation and
Fractured World’.                 and managing the Fourth             collaboration. The programme’s
                                  Industrial Revolution. Socially,    depth and breadth make it a
The overview of the meeting is    citizens yearn for responsive       true summit of summits.
based on the challenges facing    leadership; yet, a collective
us all today. The global context  purpose remains elusive despite     Truly global leaders lead the
has changed dramatically:         ever-expanding social networks.     thought creation at the meetings
geostrategic fissures have re-    All the while, the social contract  and presentation sessions
emerged on multiple fronts with   between states and their citizens   throughout the forum. Over
wide-ranging political, economic  continues to erode.                 the years strategists and
and social consequences.                                              thinkers such as Dambisa Moyo,
Realpolitik is no longer just a   The 48th World Economic Forum       Noreena Hertz, and Joseph
relic of the Cold War. Economic   Annual Meeting therefore aims       Stiglitz have contributed their
prosperity and social cohesion    to rededicate leaders from all      deep economic insights. Lynda
are not one and the same. The     walks of life to developing a       Gratton has focused on the
global commons cannot protect     shared narrative to improve         future of work in an ever-ageing
or heal itself.                   the state of the world. The         population, whilst Wolfgang
                                  programme, initiatives and          Ischinger has focused on the
Politically, new and divisive     projects of the meeting are         increasingly critical role of
narratives are transforming       focused on Creating a Shared        security on a global scale.
governance. Economically,         Future in a Fractured World.

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