Page 12 - CSA Speaker Bulletin December 2017 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 12


businesses will be fighting to         business growth is ensured and         carried out with the best possible
remain buoyant, or even just           ‘word of mouth’ recommendations        intention. The desire to please
to survive and as this happens,        bring yet more clients.                should emanate from the onset
good customer service will be as                                              – it should be something that is
important as the product itself,       Good customer service is               almost tangible.
if not more so. Perceptive and         something that people remember         The personal qualities required
insightful company heads will need     and works, very much, on a             to do this are first and foremost,
to invest foremost in customer         psychological and emotional basis,     passion. Willingness to please
service to remain in business.         enabling and enhancing people’s        must come across from the first
                                       sense of wellbeing.                    encounter with your client and it
How important do you                                                          is this that they’ll later remember
feel that customer service             In addition, employees gain from       and look back on.
is in the world of business            offering good customer service
and how much impact do                 by receiving job satisfaction and      It is imperative to anticipate the
you believe this has on the            seeing a clientele build up. As a      client’s needs, this will bring
bottom line?                           result, this may increase employee     understanding about how you
                                       retention in companies, which is       must approach, handle and treat
A:I feel that customer                 ultimately of great benefit to a       them. Recognising someone’s
                 service is becoming   business on many levels.               personality or mood is of equal
                 increasingly more                                            importance – sometimes mood
important in the world of              “Good customer                         is of greater importance –
business. It can be seen to            service will become                    sometimes mood may change
safeguard against businesses           increasingly more                      and therefore the way in which
going into liquidation or folding      important as                           one approaches them would
during difficult economic times.       economies expand and                   reflect this. Showing that you
As economies became unstable           companies compete for                  have humility and a degree of
and businesses start to suffer         business.”                             humbleness will help gain a
financially, especially service-                                              client’s trust. Being honest and
based industries, good customer        You say that you believe               sincere are unquestionably, of
service will help them get through     service is a way of life, not          utmost importance.
the bad times.                         a job. What do you feel are
                                       the traits necessary to give           Yes – I believe to a large extent
Good customer service will not         excellent customer service             customer service can be taught.
only enable survival of some           and is this something that             With the right attitude, openness
businesses but also help with          can be taught?                         and dedication to learning,
expansion and ensure longevity                                                experience in good customer
of the business, and offer stability   A:Everything that is done              service can be nurtured.
and insurance to such businesses.                       in terms of customer
                                                        service should be     Naturally, some people may take
Ultimately, good customer service                                             longer to teach, but with a lot
leads to pleasing and pleasing                                                of motivation, belief and praise,
leads to profit, as trust and loyalty                                         almost anyone can learn good
of customers grows. This in turn                                              customer service. Equally, as an
leads to repeat custom and a build                                            individual receives good feedback
up in regularly returning clientele                                           about their customer service, their
in any business. In this way,                                                 confidence will grow and this will
                                                                              help inspire them to strive even

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