Page 27 - CSA Speaker Bulletin March 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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                               What You Say About Our Speakers

“We have had great                  “We received excellent             “Keren Elazari’s keynote
        speakers in the past but            feedback from Andreas              at our recent Security
        Bruce Dickinson got the             Ekström’s keynote                  Summit in London and
        highest scores ever for             at our Forum. He                   was rated excellent.
        a closing keynote at our            was mind-blowing!                  She connected with the
        EMEA CIO conferences.               He was engaging,                   audience immediately
        He was truly excellent.             approachable and                   and was extremely
                                            dynamic, delivering                knowledgeable but
        — Communication Corp.               fresh new insights,                didn’t baffle them with
                                            whilst also being very             tech speak.
                                                                                — Global IT Group
                                            — National Government

What You Say About CSA Celebrity Speakers

“Your service, as always,           “You delivered absolutely          “You are always easy to
        was rated excellent and             brilliant service. Not             deal with and the initial
        it was a real pleasure              only did you understand            suggestion of speaker
        to work with the team,              the brief, you provided            was spot on. You deliver
        making it a very smooth             a perfect, inspirational,          great service and you
        process. The support                relevant and down to               understand our goals
        staff were also great               earth speaker – exactly            and deliver to brief,
        in the build up to the              what we wanted.                    which always makes life
        event.                                                                 easier.
                                            — Training Development
         — International Marketing           Group                             — Financial Services
         Group                                                                  Company

For more information on our contributors or to book them for any of your
events please contact:

CSA Celebrity Speakers Ltd                                       tel: +44(0)845 216 0100
90 High Street                                                   email:
Burnham, Buckinghamshire                                         web:
SL1 7JT, United Kingdom

© 2019 Celebrity Speakers Ltd  To book call: +44(0)845 216 0100  Email:  Visit:
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