Page 25 - CSA Speaker Bulletin March 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 25


human counterparts.                        national courts in not widely known        create new problems. And what if the
                                           court decisions.                           verification of the complex climate
One clause that differed caught the                                                   modeling will take an estimated
attention of the reviewers. It took a      What if after one year of calculation      100.000 scientist more than 1.000
team of lawyers more than 100 hours        an AI presents the solution to climate     years? Will we trust the conclusion
to come to the conclusion that the         change – the release of a complex          reached by AI or will our desire to
clause selected by the machine in less     combination of highly toxic gases into     verify decisions prior to their execution
than a second was actually better          the atmosphere. Something that – just      set the limit?
suited as the one picked by the human      like chemotherapy from the outside –
negotiators was contested by two           does not look like a solution but could

MUNICH                                     heads of state, including German           era of great power competition is
SECURITY                                   Chancellor Angela Merkel, U.S. Vice        unfolding between the United States,
CONFERENCE                                 President Mike Pence, Member of            China, and Russia, accompanied by
2019                                       the Political Bureau of the Communist      a certain leadership vacuum in what
                                           Party of China Yang Jiechi, Russian        has become known as the liberal
From February 15th – 17th the 55th         Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, High       international order."
Munich Security Conference (MSC)           Representative for Foreign Affairs and
took place. This year more than            Security Policy of the European Union      Meanwhile, during an interview at
600 international decision-makers          Federica Mogherini, and Nobel Peace        Munich, former NATO Secretary-
engaged in an intensive debate             Prize Laureates Tawakkol Karman and        General Anders Fogh Rasmussen
on current and future challenges.          Beatrice Fihn. A truly global affair.      said he wants candidates in
The MSC has developed into the                                                        the European election to sign a
world’s leading forum for the debate       Before the conference MSC Chairman         pledge agreeing to counter foreign
of international security policy.          Wolfgang Ischinger said "When              interference. He warned that Russia
Repeatedly rated as "Best Think Tank       looking at the current state of            will use unprecedented means to
Conference" in the world, the MSC          international affairs, it is difficult to  disrupt the upcoming EU Parliament
provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity       escape the feeling that the world is       election. He said “There is no doubt
to discuss policy at the highest level in  not just witnessing a series of smaller    that Russia will be a major malign
a protected and informal space.            and bigger crises, but that there is a     actor.”
                                           more fundamental problem. A new

Experts from across the globe
discussed the future of arms control
and cooperation in defence policy.
The intersection between trade and
international security was examined,
as were the effects of climate change
and technological innovations on
international security. Among the
participants this year were more
than 35 heads of government and

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