Page 21 - CSA Speaker Bulletin March 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 21


Paradise or Nightmare?

Rodney Brooks is a                         From a commercial point of view       and the right expectations, so that
legendary robotics                         Brooks says “Almost all companies     they can move forward and be
entrepreneur, former                       will need to invest in AI, and many   successful. The dangers are missing
Director of the MIT Artificial             will need to invest in robotics, but  the boat that other people do not
Intelligence Laboratory and                they need to be wary of a bubble.     miss, and conversely getting sucked
the MIT Computer Science                   The bubble is expanding at the        into grandiose expectations and
& Artificial Intelligence                  moment and there are many who are     investments that will not pan out well.”
Laboratory.                                overpromising.
                                                                                 In a recent article he stated there are
Rodney studies and engineers robot         At the same time there are going      rules for predicting a technology’s
intelligence and is looking for the        to be competitor companies who        commercial success. Building
holy grail of robotics – one that can      make smart investments with real      electric cars and reusable rockets is
figure things out for itself, like humans  ROI that are going to change          fairly easy, whilst building a nuclear
do. Early on he realized that a top-       how some businesses work. Thus        fusion reactor, self-driving cars or a
down approach – just building the          executives in companies around the    Hyperloop system is very hard. The
biggest brain possible and teaching it     world are faced with how to see       difference, in a word, is experience.
everything he could think of – would       through the hype, to figure out what  The difference between the possible
never work. What would work is a           the real impacts are going to be in   and the practical can only be
robot that learns like we do, by trial     their business areas, and to figure   discovered by trying things out. Read
and error, and with many separate          out the right investments, the right  Rodney’s article here.
parts that learn separate jobs.            partnerships, the right timescales,

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