Page 23 - CSA Speaker Bulletin March 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 23

In our homes, robots are still our                  big data, macromanage           "While the
friends. One machine washes our          resources, define unseen challenges        advantages of
shirts, another cleans our plates, in    while securing our food chain, our         AI are nearly
my kitchen one even mops the floor.      environment and a sustainable future       limitless, many
My wife refers to him affectionately as  for all.                                   of the greatest
“Robbi”. We think he’s cool.                                                        thinkers in Silicon
Less cool is the knowledge that          But how do we recognize                    Valley believe AI
intelligence services are already        opportunities in this fast-changing        can threaten us."
profiling our preferences, even          environment?
the intimate ones, while private
corporations track our entire lives in   What are the challenges, which are
search of earnings.                      the strategies? How do we build a
                                         corporate future on the sifting sands
This is our new world: big data, the     of technological change?
full picture, total inventory.
                                         While the advantages of AI are
In major disruptions such as these       nearly limitless, many of the greatest
there are always big opportunities.      thinkers in Silicon Valley believe AI can
From airline tickets to agricultural     threaten us.
fertilizers, AI can help us digest
                                         There is no guarantee that we will
                                         always be Darwin’s Darling.

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