Page 19 - CSA Speaker Bulletin March 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 19

not growing at that rate, which is
a concern for the global economy.
The fact that China is growing at 6.5
percent is actually very good on a
relative basis," she said.

Moyo noted the Chinese government
has repeatedly highlighted the
restructuring of its economy to
transform it from being export-led
towards domestic consumption-

To further improve its business
environment for foreign investment,
China can increase transparency,
consistency of rules, taxes and
regulation, and most importantly
ensure a good macro environment,
said Moyo.

"If people feel like there is a continual
good policy that can drive economic
growth and they can continue to
build on the middle class and China's
success that is also good news. And
people feel much more comfortable
about investing in China," she said.

Source: Xinhua

Dambisa Moyo is a global
economist and author who
analyses the macroeconomy
and international affairs.
She advises companies,
corporate boards, CEOs and
management on investment
decisions, capital allocation
and risk management.

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