Page 15 - CSA Speaker Bulletin March 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 15


A generation later, the America First    And we must understand why people           Anders Fogh Rasmussen,
Committee opposed US intervention        are so often rejecting the political        former NATO Secretary
in Europe’s war. Again, the war came     centre for populist forces. Yes,            General and Prime Minister
to America.                              populists give simplistic and often         of Denmark, has been
                                         undeliverable answers to complex            at the centre of global
Once again, the West is divided,         questions, but their claims rarely lack     and European politics for
autocrats are in the ascendancy, and     a grain of truth.                           over three decades. In
the peaceful world order is giving                                                   2017 Anders founded The
way to narrow interests, short-term      Mainstream political leaders have           Alliance of Democracies,
transactions and zero-sum games.         not shown robust solutions to today’s       which is dedicated to the
                                         challenges: from managing migration         advancement of democracy
“We cannot deny                          in a way that maintains public              and free markets across the
that, geopolitically,                    support; through to adapting today’s        globe. He is also co-chair of
the world is on fire.”                   open market global economy so that          the Transatlantic Commission
                                         it delivers for all, and not just for       on Election Integrity. He
Malign states are stepping in to         bankers and multi-nationals.                recently wrote about the
exploit the divisions, and to occupy                                                 divisions facing the world
the vacuum we leave behind.              In 2019, we must try harder to              and how we must work harder
                                         show why freedom, democracy,                to defend our hard-won
If Russia sees the world as a chess      open markets and multilateral               standards of democracy and
board, China sees it as a game of        cooperation deliver peace, progress         international order.
Monopoly. Yet many in the West           and prosperity for everyone. These
continue to see it as a game of          principles are not perfect - no man-
Scrabble – where words seem to           made system is - but they are far
count more than actions and interests.   preferable to the alternatives.

Our values are important. So it is time  In 2019, the Alliance of Democracies
we made a stand for them – at home       Foundation that I founded will
and abroad.                              continue to make this case, and
                                         will work not only to strengthen
These values will be tested in           our democracies, but to promote
elections across the democratic          democracy abroad.
world, from India to Canada, critical
elections in Ukraine, and seminal        “It is time we made a
elections in the European Union.         stand for values – at
                                         home and abroad.”
In Europe, we must end the self-
defeating spiral of division between     Defending our freedom is not just
the core and the periphery; Eurozone     about issuing statements, or warm
and non-eurozone; East versus West;      words. It is about uniting around our
large states versus small states.        common ideals and taking actions to
                                         defend them; and shining our values
We must find a formula that is           into the dark corners of the world. As
respectful of our differences, yet also  a citizen, I will continue to do all I can
considerate of the desire of some to     - and I hope you will join me.
integrate further.

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