Page 13 - CSA Speaker Bulletin March 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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International Women's Day (March          where women have come a long           Women leading the way in other
8) is a global day celebrating the        way. Across the board women have       areas include global activist and
social, economic, cultural and political  been continuing to make ever greater   socio-economist Noreena Hertz,
achievements of women. The day also       strides in the world around them, but  entrepreneur and business leader
marks a call to action for accelerating   always there is more to be achieved.   Arianna Huffington and Sonia
gender parity. The International                                                 Gandhi, head of the ruling party of
Women's Day 2019 campaign theme           "Women are now                         the world’s second largest population.
of #BalanceforBetter was a call-to-       leading the way in                     From business to technology, politics
action for driving gender balance         many areas."                           to media and innovation to marketing,
across the world.                                                                it is essential that women continue
                                          We mention just some of the current    to grow and exert their ideas and
International Women's Day (IWD)           movers and shakers here, such as       experiences on these spheres of
has occurred for well over a century,     cultural icon and actress Sigourney    influence to help shape the future of
reflecting the growth of women in         Weaver, strategy and innovation        our society. International Women’s
noted roles across society. In 1919       specialist Renée Mauborgne and         Day helps recognise this fact and to
the first woman MP entered the House      digital marketing entrepreneur Randi   push the agenda forward.
of Commons in the UK. In 2019 there       Zuckerberg.
were more female nominees for the
Oscars than ever before. Politics
and Hollywood are just two areas

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