Page 16 - CSA Speaker Bulletin March 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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 Kate Sweetman is a global                of technology. But mostly because       a Ma – or outgun a super-smart and
 business strategist, a leadership
 authority and an author. A former        their leadership cultures do not have   well-funded start-up. When they
 editor for Harvard Business
 Review, Kate’s work has been             ways to help others to solve the most   remain hostage to outmoded thinking,
 published around the globe. Kate
 was named one of the World’s             difficult and relevant problems, nor    they cannot lead their organisations to
 Top 20 Emerging Management
 Gurus by The Times. In 2015              unlock the most significant and game    reach their potential.
 Kate co-founded a new global
 management consulting firm –             changing opportunities.
 SweetmanCragun. Their latest
 research has defined a new                                                       Until now. We have studied this
 form of leadership for the
 digital world – Leadership               The core of the problem is that our     conundrum in a global research study
                                          “leadership operating systems”          over the past two years spanning over
If you are like thousands
   of business leaders we                                                         40 countries and over 40 industries.
   have interviewed, you
 are nervous about your                                                           We have spoken with members of
 ability to compete going
 forward – no matter                                                              the C-suite, with leaders in HR, L&D,
 how successful you have
 been in the past.                                                                Talent Management and Executive

 The clear majority of current                                   "It is           Recruiting – with digital
 leaders know intuitively that their                             estimated that      disruptors and neuroscientists.
 business models could quickly be                                                      We have investigated case
 overrun by a clever digital challenger.
 Research supports this: it is estimated                         98% of business              studies of companies that
 that 98% of business models at work                                                           have turned conventional
 today are outdated.
                                                                 models at work               leadership on its head:
 The majority of business leaders also                           today are                     companies that have
 know that their organisations are                               outdated."                    approached work and
 not fit for the purpose of the digital                                                       leadership in an entirely
 economy. Why? Partly for reasons                                                             different way, unlocking

                                                                                              enormous creativity and

                                                                                              economic value, and utterly

                                                                                              changing their futures and their


                                          have not been upgraded in any           What makes the difference? A set
                                          comprehensive way to match the          of five master leadership skills that
                                          age of digitalisation. Our leadership   have enabled large traditional
                                          teams, smart as they are, lack an       companies to press the reset button
                                          organised leadership architecture that  on leadership: who can lead and how
                                          clearly shows them the key leadership   – based on heart and courage, on
                                          areas to focus on to outrun a Musk or   insight and persuasion, and on having
                                                                                  the willingness and ability to solve
                                                                                  intractable problems in new ways.

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