Page 17 - CSA Speaker Bulletin March 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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Parag Khanna is a leading Chinese domination but rather talent inflows to compensate for
global strategy advisor, accelerate Asia’s multipolarity, labor shortages and demographic
world traveler, and best- how nationalist leaders have put imbalances. With America ever more
selling author. He is Founder aside territorial disputes in favour of unreliable and Brexit pushing the UK
& Managing Partner of integration, and takes you into Asia’s to hasten the signing of dozens of
FutureMap, a data and dynamic cities that are the hotbeds new trade agreements with Asian
scenario based strategic of next-generation digital innovation. countries, there is no question that
advisory firm. Asians once wanted to emulate the Asia will occupy ever more of the
West, now the West wants to emulate British agenda in the years ahead.
His newest book is The Future Asia. Asians used to produce for the
is Asian: Commerce, Conflict West, now the West produces for Asia. UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt
& Culture in the 21st Century The world has grown accustomed to delivered the prestigious IISS Fullerton
(2019). In it he explains how Asia hearing about “America First.” Is it Lecture in Singapore in early January
is reshaping the entire planet and ready for “Asia First”? and quoted directly from The Future
setting a new template for our is Asian. He added: Power always
collective future. This is the definitive Asia’s gravity has profound follows money, so the rise of Asia will
guide to Asia’s global influence in the implications for Britain’s strategic have a profound impact on the global
21st century. choices in 2019 and beyond. The UK balance.”
has launched an “All of Asia” policy,
Parag overturns decades of and the China-UK “Infrastructure Recently Parag Khanna appeared on
misdiagnoses about Asia while Alliance” has been created to boost TRT’s The Newsmakers to discuss
providing a comprehensive analysis British participation in Chinese how the 21st century will be reshaped
and vision for our collective Asian projects around the region. As by the rise of Asia. Parag was also in
future. He demonstrates how the Belt Parag Khanna points out, almost all a podcast Economist Radio from the
& Road Initiative will not advance European countries still need Asian WEF at Davos in January.
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