Page 14 - CSA Speaker Bulletin March 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 14


                          Anders Fogh Rasmussen

  Defending Freedom

In 2019, we must try harder to              ago, 12 percent of children born         ever; yet I fear the policeman of the
    show why freedom, democracy,            around the world died before they        global international order is going
    open markets and multilateral           reached their fifth birthday. In 2015    into retirement.
  cooperation deliver peace, progress       that figure was four percent.
  and prosperity for all.                                                            And we see yet again the
                                            But we cannot deny that,                 consequences of US disengagement.
  After the end of a turbulent year, in     geopolitically, the world is on fire.
  so many respects today’s world is a       2019 will be a pivotal year in deciding  This is not the first time the world has
  brighter place.                           whether we contain the fire, or pour     heard the phrase, ‘America First’.
                                            more fuel onto it.                       President Wilson used it in 1915 to
  Technology continues to remove                                                     justify US non-intervention in World
  barriers; global poverty is falling; and  Determined American global               War One. 18 months later, Germany
  the world economy growing. 40 years       leadership is needed now more than       brought the war to America.

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