Page 11 - CSA Speaker Bulletin March 2019 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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with my sister on my right. Father, was most certainly a feather in one’s with its bewildering number of ancient
with his Communist views, (gradually cap. America looked up to us, the monuments, is sacred. So whatever
moving over to the left!) and mother, 60’s revolutionaries, for they were race, creed or colour, we are all
a staunch Conservative, would banter responsible for the creative shift of capable of tapping in to that great
rather than argue, back and forth from consciousness in the arts, the fashion energy, but in so doing, it is imperative
either end of the table. For us children world, film, music, science, etc, etc, we respect and protect that essential
it was like watching Wimbledon, all etc. We Brits were the ‘Beez Kneez’ all balance of nature. That way we can
of us keeping our eye on the ball. So right! begin the upward path; awaken our
obviously we all grew up with some boundless spirit once again and start
understanding of politics from both the Yet when I returned home to England honouring what’s left of Shakespeare’s
left and right standpoint. in 1979, I discovered there had been poor old ‘Precious stone set in the
a shift of a different kind. Everything silver sea’.
I found Communism most seductive in had reversed. No longer did America
theory: sharing, equality and all that, look up to Britain; on the contrary, Once unleashed from the EU, we
but in practice there inevitably has Britain was now kowtowing to this new could begin the serious business of
to be the Big Boys running the show, ‘fashionable America’, clinging to its renouncing, for renouncing, settling
the root of most corruption. ‘Left' coattails in a most unsuitable manner. for less for a while, will be part of our
and 'Right' wing didn’t make much I maintain that was the moment our EU divorce. There was strict rationing
sense to me either, for how pray, can present defeatist, cowering attitude during my childhood, yet we were all
you haul up a sinking ship by heave- began to take hold. exceedingly content and healthy, for
hoeing from left and right? The boat we all knew: no pain no gain. Surely
will only rise up when everyone is Just imagine if we were to return to we don’t want to tell our great-great-
pulling in the same direction. the EU, we’d be a laughing stock, grandchildren that “once upon a
creeping back to Brussels with our tail time there was a little country called
“You cannot have between our legs, cowering, having England, whose language the whole
peace without justice probably killed off democracy for world speaks”.
and you cannot good. Cowering doesn’t cover it. If
have justice without my father were alive today he would This will undoubtedly happen if we
sharing.” shake his head in despair, finding our continue to stop believing in ourselves
present cowardice not only shameful, and in England.
Why are we so apologetic for being but downright incomprehensible,
English? Why have we allowed and certainly not what he fought and How can we let down my father’s
our innately friendly natures to be risked his life for. generation and cower in the face of
trampled underfoot in this way? I have temporary adversity? Read more.
a good memory so I can vividly recall Besides, in returning to the EU, we
the forties and fifties. The two wars would move ever closer to Europe’s
were over and we were pumped full Federal dream, a dream that can only
of the euphoria of freedom! This new end in disaster, being manufactured,
freedom of ours gave us a whiff of our as it is, from above by the elite.
true potential, which finally burst forth ’Oneness’, as in this case, twenty eight
in a great release of creative energy countries joining together, can only
that became the 60’s revolution. come to pass if the desire for such
unification is given birth at the grass
roots. Only the grass roots can bring
about the miracle of Oneness.
I lived in LA during the seventies. We English are blessed with a mighty Copyright Quiet Productions LTD
When I arrived there, to be English energy beneath our feet, for our land,
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