Page 25 - CSA Speaker Bulletin September 2018 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 25


                               What You Say About Our Speakers

“Pierluigi Collina gave           “We could not have                 “Dambisa Moyo is an
        an excellent after-               asked for more from Sir            excellent speaker,
        dinner speech at                  Bob Geldof at our UK               the content is really
        our European sales                property investment                eye-opening and her
        meeting. He is very               event. He was very                 delivery and style is top
        approachable and                  educational and                    class. Our talent and
        down-to-earth. The                inspirational, he got              technology delegates
        content of his speech             3 standing ovations.               were extremely positive
        can be applied to both            Fantastic!                         about her.
        business and life in
        general.                          — Real Estate                       — Energy Company
        — Mobile Phone

What You Say About CSA Celebrity Speakers

“You understood our               “You were really                   “It was a real pleasure to
        requirements perfectly            supportive from start to           work with you and you
        and were able to                  finish and easy to deal            made it a very smooth
        recommend quality and             with. We were very                 process from the initial
        appropriate speakers.             happy with the shortlist           call to post-event. Your
        The negotiation process           you gave us and the                service was excellent
        was very well managed             fact that you sourced 3            throughout and we are
        and fulfilled everyone’s          speakers from the list at          happy to recommend.
        needs.                            such short notice.
                                                                             — Global Marketing
         — Economic Forum                 — Conglomerate                      Agency

For more information on our contributors or to book them for any of your events
please contact:

CSA Celebrity Speakers Ltd                                       tel: +44(0)845 216 0100
90 High Street                                                   email:
Burnham, Buckinghamshire                                         web:
SL1 7JT, United Kingdom

© 2018 Celebrity Speakers Ltd  To book call: +44(0)845 216 0100  Email:  Visit:
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