Page 22 - CSA Speaker Bulletin September 2018 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 22


The Alliance
of Democracies


  Anders Fogh Rasmussen has               scale of the challenge. Dalia research
  been at the center of European          presented the largest single global
  and global politics for three           study into perceptions towards
  decades as Secretary General            democracy. The survey of 125,000
  of NATO and Prime Minister              people in 50 countries was sobering,
  of Denmark. In 2017 Anders              showing that people have lost faith
  Fogh Rasmussen founded                  in democratic governments, while
  The Alliance of Democracies             non-democratic regimes are instilling
  Foundation, a non-profit                public confidence in the hearts and
  organization dedicated to the           minds of their citizens.
  advancement of democracy
  and free markets across the             Democratic mainstream politicians           a worldwide intellectual movement for
  globe.                                  cannot shirk their responsibility for this  democracy.
                                          disconnect. For too long, legitimate
It is ironic that citizens across the     concerns about issues such as               We are also seeking to close a gap
      Western world have never been so    immigration have been dismissed and         in the transatlantic response to
      free, so empowered, so peaceful,    promises broken. Likewise, political        election meddling by establishing the
      and offered so many opportunities;  leaders and politicians have failed         Transatlantic Commission on Election
  and yet many of these same people       to demonstrate how the global free          Integrity. This initiative brings together
  no longer feel represented by the       trading system brings benefits that far     leading politicians, media, business
  same democratic systems that            outweigh any concentrated pitfalls.         and tech figures to deliver a united
  delivered these dividends.                                                          response to this common challenge,
                                          Meanwhile, autocratic states are            and to raise awareness of its scale.
  As a life-long lover of freedom and     successfully weaponizing our free
  democracy, and of the rules-based       societies and interfering in our            The stakes could not be any higher. If
  international democratic-led order      elections. They spread fear and             the world’s democracies divide and
  that shaped the post-war world,         confusion and turn our freedom into a       falter, the only people to benefit will
  I believe we must find out what is      strategic weakness when it should be        be the bad guys: the emboldened
  going wrong and correct it. This is     our strongest asset.                        autocrats and dictators.
  why I decided to form a new political
  Foundation, called the Alliance of      The Alliance of Democracies
  Democracies. Our aim is to make         Foundation is initiating a number
  democracy great again.                  of work streams, from a program of
                                          expeditionary economics to develop
  At our inaugural summit in              local entrepreneurs in post-conflict
  Copenhagen this June, we saw the        areas, through to a program to build

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