Page 19 - CSA Speaker Bulletin September 2018 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 19


MEANINGFUL                                and local places: old buildings          Seek out the signals of transformation
                                          brought back to life; local energy       in your local context. Focus on the
WORK:                                     projects; transportation sharing;        good, not just the new, and look for
                                          cargo-bike delivery; de-paving car       ways to enhance what’s emerging.
A recent Gallup poll revealed a           parks for biodiversity planting; food    Talk to change makers about the
worrying statistic: 85% of workers        procurement and community kitchens;      practical actions, however small, that
around the world are “not engaged         place-based learning; off-site           would enhance their activities.
in their work”. This means that a         meetings; the use of local currencies.
company’s most important assets - its     Transformative economic models,           “Seek out the signals
people - are not motivated to create      John adds, are set to amplify these          of transformation
value for their employer. So how, in      signals of change: Transition Towns,
practical terms, can a company create     Peer-to-Peer, Platform Co-ops,             in your local context
meaningful work for its people? John      Bioregionalism and the Care Economy.         and look for ways
believes the answer lies in connection    The opportunities for meaningful work        to enhance what’s
- connection with place, connection       are many and varied.                                emerging.”
with communities, and connection
with nature.                              But what steps might you take to
                                          get involved? For an answer, John’s
Drawing on a lifetime of travel in        advice is to learn from biology. In
search of real-world alternatives         nature, the health of an ecosystem lies
that work, John describes the             in the vitality of interactions between
transformation of everyday activities in  its component species. This lesson
ways that enhance the local economy       can be applied to your company’s
                                          innovation ecosystem, too.

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