Page 16 - CSA Speaker Bulletin September 2018 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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International design and innovation        The Dynamic Street features a series     Street by playing on a digital
     office CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati      of hexagonal modular pavers which        reconfigurator, to design urban
      has worked with Alphabet’s           can be picked up and replaced            scenarios of their own.
      Sidewalk Labs in Toronto to design   within hours or even minutes in order
  The Dynamic Street, a prototype of a     to swiftly change the function of the    “The installation is an experiment
  modular and reconfigurable paving        road without creating disruptions        and an area of active research, so
  system that hints at the possibility of  on the street. This system is inspired   expect it to change as we learn
  the streetscape seamlessly adapting      by French research group IFSTTAR’s       from feedback and tests. In this first
  to people’s needs.                       pilot project on removable urban         iteration, the pavers are made out
                                           pavement, underway in Nantes.            of wood so that we could quickly
  The project is based on Sidewalk         The project explores the different       mock something up and rapidly
  Labs’ extensive experience and           patterns that can be created on          change it – we would expect later
  research into street design, and         the hexagonal grid as well as the        versions to be made of concrete or
  affords visitors the ability to engage   integration of lights into individual    other more resistant materials,” says
  with up-and-coming technology            pavers. Each paver can also              Chris Anderson, Urban Prototyper at
  concepts. The installation is at         potentially host a plug and play         Sidewalk Labs, who adds: “We look
  Toronto’s Quayside 307, a former         element – that is, vertical structures   forward to visitors imagining new
  industrial building converted into       such as poles, bollards or even          types of urban activities for streets.”
  the central office and experimental      basketball hoops.
  workspace for Sidewalk Labs, and                                                  “The Dynamic Street creates a
  is on view throughout the summer of      Imagine a city street, nestled           space for urban experimentation:
  2018.                                    between buildings with mostly            with this project, we aim to create a
                                           foot and bicycle traffic. During         streetscape that responds to citizens’
                                           the morning and evening hours,           ever-changing needs,” says Professor
                                           there might be a steady stream of        Carlo Ratti, founder of CRA practice
                                           commuters heading to work. In the        and Director of the Senseable City
                                           middle of the day and the evening,       Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of
                                           families might use the street as a play  Technology (MIT): “As autonomous
                                           space. And on the weekend, the           vehicles are likely to start running
                                           street could be cleared for a block      on streets soon, we can start to
                                           party or a basketball game.              imagine a more adaptable road
                                           At the exhibition, visitors can engage
                                           in the co-creation of the Dynamic

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