Page 17 - CSA Speaker Bulletin September 2018 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 17


What Should AI Researchers Work on Today

   to Achieve Super Intelligence?

Ithink we need to work on                     that there is two-dimensional territory    own needs, understand the world
      architectures of intelligent beings,    in the real world - it didn’t know that    in which they live (be it the cloud or
      whether they live in the real world or  a real world exists. So AlphaGo was        the physical world) and ensure their
      in cyber space. And I think that we     very different from Lee Sedol who is       ongoing existence. A Roomba does
  need to work on structured modules          a living, breathing human who takes        a little of this, finding its recharger
  that will give the base compositional       care of his existence in the world.        when it is low on power, indicating
  capabilities, ground everything in                                                     to humans that it needs its dust bin
  perception and action in the world,         I remember seeing someone                  emptied, and asking for help when
  have useful spatial representations         comment at the time that Lee Sedol         it gets stuck. This is not the required
  and manipulations, provide enough           was supported by a cup of coffee.          level of self-sufficiency, but it is an
  ability to react to the world on short      And Alpha Go was supported by              indication of the sort of thing I mean.
  timescales, and to adequately handle        200 human engineers. They got it
  ambiguity across all these domains.         processors in the cloud on which to        Rodney Brooks is the co-
                                              run, managed software versions,            founder of iRobot, which has
  Currently all AI systems operate            fed AlphaGo the moves (Lee Sedol           sold more than 12 million home
  within some sort of structure, but it is    merely looked at the board with his        robots worldwide, as well as
  not the structure of something with         own two eyes), played AlphaGo’s            being founder and CTO of
  ongoing existence. They operate as          desired moves on the board, rebooted       Rethink Robotics, whose mission
  transactional programs that people          everything when necessary, and             is to apply advanced robotic
  run when they want something.               generally enabled AlphaGo to play at       intelligence to manufacturing
                                              all. That is not a Super Intelligence; it  and physical labour. Rodney
  Consider AlphaGo, the program that          is a super basket case.                    is the Panasonic Professor of
  beat 18 time world Go champion,                                                        Robotics (emeritus) at MIT.
  Lee Sedol, in March of 2016. The            So the very first thing we need is
  program had no idea that it was             programs, whether they are embodied
  playing a game, that people exist, or       or not, that can take care of their

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