Page 18 - CSA Speaker Bulletin September 2018 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
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                               John Thackara is the Founder       interactions between its component
                               of Doors of Perception, and        species. This lesson applies equally
                               Senior Fellow at the Royal         to the new economic models that
                               College of Art in London. John     are now emerging everywhere at
                               travels the world looking for      a local scale: Sharing and Peer-
                               below-the-radar examples of        to-Peer, Mobility as a Service, The
                               what a sustainable future can      Maker Movement, Civic Ecology, Earth
                               be like. He writes about these     Repair, Food and Fibersheds, The
                               stories online, and in books; he   New Hospitality and Collaborative
                               also advises cities, companies,    Elder Care.
                               and institutions on how to get
                               started. His most recent book      Global companies and policy makers
                               How To Thrive In the Next          are keen to connect with these edge
                               Economy (Thames & Hudson)          projects and networks - but citizen
                               will be published in Chinese at    engagement can be hard.
                               the end of 2018.                   So what to do?

                               PATHWAYS TO                        For the best-selling author of How To
                                                                  Thrive In The Next Economy, there are
                               SUSTAINABILITY:                    numerous practical ways in which Big
                                                                  can connect meaningfully with Small.
                               For biologists, the health of an   He cites compelling real-world stories
                               ecosystem lies in the vitality of  to inspire the practical first steps on
                                                                  your pathway to sustainability.

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