Page 14 - CSA Speaker Bulletin September 2018 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 14
Parag Khanna
Parag Khanna is a leading Indonesia are finally emerging, London School of Economics. Parag
global strategy advisor, teeming with young and urban, has been honored as a Young Global
best-selling author and TED ambitious and entrepreneurial youth, Leader of the World Economic Forum,
speaker. He has written a while from Saudi Arabia to Vietnam, is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical
number of highly influential privatization is unlocking a new Society and in 2002 was awarded the
books and his latest book, wave of growth. Asians are sharing OECD Future Leaders Prize.
coming out in Spring 2019, is economic and governance models
‘The Future is Asian’. It is set as never before, and their confident Parag lectures at international
to be the definitive guide to outward push is reshaping business conferences as well as delivering
Asia’s global influence in the life and culture across North America executive briefings to governments
21st century. and Europe, South America and and corporations on global trends
Africa. From investment portfolios and and scenarios, systemic risks and
Parag explains that in the trade wars to Hollywood movies and technological disruptions in addition
19th century, the world was holiday travels, no aspect of life is to market entry strategies and
Europeanized. In the 20th immune from Asianization. economic master planning. He has
century it was Americanized. put together a range of industry-
Now in the 21st century, the world To conclude, Parag poses the question specific comments. We show an
is being irreversibly Asianized. The “The world has become used to edited selection on the right, for a
‘Asian Century’ is even bigger than hearing “America First”—but is it
you think. Far greater than just China, ready for “Asia First”? What happens greater range click here.
the new Asian system taking shape is when Asia no longer just produces for
a multi-civilizational order spanning the West but the West produces for To close on the topic of Asia, Parag
Saudi Arabia to Japan, and Russia Asia? And when Asians don’t aspire to Khanna commented on the recently
to Australia—linking five billion live like the West but rather Western released film ‘Crazy Rich Asians’
people through trade, finance and societies wish they had Asians’ that although they may appreciate
infrastructure networks that together stability and far-sighted leadership?” the romance of the film, western
represent 40 percent of global GDP. Get ready to see the world, and the cinema-goers might be unlikely to
China has taken a lead in building future, from the Asian point-of-view. be comfortable with the geopolitical
the new Silk Roads across Asia, but it rebalancing upon which this growing
will not lead it alone. Rather, Asia is When he isn’t writing books Parag Asian self-assurance is based. Parag
returning to the stable multipolar order Khanna is Founder & Managing said “This is a huge change, as it
that existed long before European Partner of FutureMap, a data dawns on the west that Asians used
colonialism and American dominance, and scenario based strategic to make things for us and now we are
with India and Southeast Asia coming advisory firm. A widely cited global making things for them”.
into their own as economic and intellectual, Dr. Khanna provides
strategic hubs. regular commentaries for international When the media and arts start
media. He is currently a CNN Global portraying ‘the future is Asian’,
Dr Khanna states that large but Contributor. He serves on a number you know that it is truly already
dormant societies from Iran to of advisory boards and he holds a happening; let us recognise this and
PhD in international relations from the embrace it.
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