Page 12 - CSA Speaker Bulletin September 2018 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 12
An Outstanding
Leader of Our Time
Former President of the and China would change course
European Commission, former “because in a trade war there are
Prime Minister of Portugal and really no winners” and “the more
current non-executive serious risk I see to global growth is
chairman of Goldman Sachs, the the rise of protectionism”.
charismatic José Manuel Barroso
is an exceptional leader who has Turning to the development of
shaped the European landscape over artificial intelligence, Mr Barroso said
the last decade in a critical period for that the rest of the world could fall
the European Union. behind China and that with Beijing
investing money Europe should not
“Mr Barroso is a He has had an eminent career in be naïve and must defend itself
leader who has office, including holding the positions by ensuring that more money is
shaped the European of Minister for Foreign Affairs and committed to AI development.
landscape over the President of the Social Democratic
last decade in a Party of Portugal. He is to be the Then on the topic of data privacy
critical period for the inaugural recipient of the Business he said that huge change was
European Union.” & Finance Awards’ ‘The Sutherland beginning to take place subsequent
Leadership Award’. The Awards to the Facebook data scandal and
group, in association with KPMG, that much-needed stronger, global
have previously recognised other regulation was now being created.
exceptional leaders such as Bill He concluded by saying that he didn’t
Clinton, Kofi Annan and Sir Bob believe our democracies will accept
Geldof. their private data not to be protected.
During a recent keynote speech by From winning awards, through talking
Mr Barroso, global trade was on about global trade, China and AI, to
the agenda, when he stated that data privacy, José Manuel Barroso’s
a trade war seems to have started insightful comments and thinking
and that US President Donald make a positive impact on the world
Trump’s recent hefty trade tariffs on around him.
Chinese goods are threats to free
trade and detrimental to global He is indeed an outstanding leader of
growth, especially when China then our time.
responded in kind. He continued,
stating that he was hopeful the US
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