Page 24 - CSA Speaker Bulletin September 2018 | CSA Celebrity Speakers
P. 24


 We MUST Protect the Internet

 for Business.. for Politics.. for People..

                               Andreas Ekström is a futurist              to pay you to prioritize their traffic.
                               and commentator on digital                 That means that if you are an internet
                               revolution. His passion is to              service provider, who also provides
                               educate for digital equality               phone services, you are not allowed to
                               and he aims to understand the              say ”no way, Skype, you are our worst
                               companies and behaviours                   competitor, we are not going to let you
                               that have become culturally,               run your thing in our cables”.
                               technologically and                        Without net neutrality, there would be
                               commercially drivers of change             no way for startups to compete.
                               at all levels of society.                  But take it further. Imagine rich friends
                                                                          of the current American president,
                               There is really no end to the massive      bringing loads of cash to the largest
                               bore when you hear those words             internet service providers of the USA,
                               again. Net neutrality. We should have      with a request:
                               called it internet freedom instead.        ”How about we give you all this
                               Because that is what it really is about.   money, and in return, you make all
                                                                          traffic to Fox News really fast, and
                               Let me just take you through the           all traffic to CNN and The New York
                               basics. It’s easy. And remember: if        Times really slow?”
                               you don’t feel sure about what net
                               neutrality means, you are among            If we, the people, don’t step up and
                               friends – I would say that most people     protect the un-hierarchical web,
                               have very vague ideas about it,            where one site links to the next, where
                               even though the funniest man alive,        every destination is reachable in the
                               British tv comedian John Oliver, was       same way and at the same speed,
                               able to make a legendary segment           where all bits are created equal –
                               on the issue that was actually both        internet as we know it will be lost.
                               educational and hilarious at the same      Internet will become cable tv.
                                                                          The policy battle over this is fierce in
                               Net neutrality is the principle that all   the United States at the moment. But
                               traffic on the internet must be treated    some countries in the rest of the world
                               equal. And… that’s it. That is really it.  – India, for one – are taking the lead
                                                                          in protecting the internet.
                               That means that if you own a
                               broadband network, you are not             For business. For politics. For people.
                               allowed to ask Netflix or YouTube

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