Dr. Dambisa Moyo is a pre-eminent thinker, who influences key decision-makers in strategic investment and public policy. She is respected for her unique perspectives, her balance of contrarian thinking with measured judgment, and her ability to turn economic insight into investible ideas.
"A renowned economist who analyses the global macroeconomy"
Dambisa has earned a strong reputation as a top-tier opinion former and trusted advisor on Macroeconomics, Geopolitics, Technology and Millennial themes. She is a Board member of The 3M Company, Chevron and Conde Nast. Dambisa holds a Doctorate in Economics from Oxford, a Masters from Harvard, and is recognized for fresh and innovative ideas as the Author of four New York Times bestselling books. Dambisa is an honorary fellow of the Foreign Policy Association and member of the Bretton Woods Committee. Dambisa was named to the list of Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People in the World; has published in the Financial Times, WSJ, Barrons and Harvard Business Review.
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Dambisa is a powerful and effective speaker, who is in frequent demand at keynote summits and conferences around the globe.
She presents in English.
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