Gary Hamel is one of the world's most influential and iconoclastic business thinkers. He has worked with leading companies across the globe. He has been on the faculty of the London Business School for more than 30 years and is the Director of the Management Innovation eXchange.
"A management innovator without peer" Financial Times
Over the past twenty years, Hamel has authored 17 articles for the Harvard Business Review and is the most reprinted author in the Review's history. He has also written for the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, The Financial Times and many other leading publications around the world. As a consultant and management educator, he has worked for companies as General Electric, Time Warner, Nestle, Shell, Best Buy, Procter & Gamble, 3M, IBM, and Microsoft. Currently, Hamel is leading a pioneering effort to reinvent management by harnessing the power of open innovation. He is a fellow of the Strategic Management Society and of the World Economic Forum.
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Prof. Hamel has led transformational efforts in some of the world's most notable companies and has helped to create billions of dollars in shareholder value. His pioneering concepts have changed the practice of management in companies around the world.
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Prof. Hamel provides fresh thinking, deep insights and powerful advice on the toughest, most important issues in business.
Gary Hamel referiert auf Englisch.
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