Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a leading essayist, philosopher of randomness, researcher, and practitioner of financial mathematics. He has devoted his life to immersing himself in problems of luck, randomness, human error, probability, and the philosophy of knowledge.
"A giant of Mordern thought ... Now the hottest thinker in the world" London Times
As a pioneer of complex financial derivatives, he had a lengthy and successful career as a senior Wall Street trader, before he began his philosophical career as an epistemologist of chance, and focused on the development of his "black swan theory" of unexpected rare events. A polymath, he taught in fields so far apart as the psychology of uncertainty and human error, and the pricing of financial derivatives and has been called a "philosopher-trader-statistician-psychologist". He transformed his interests into three successful careers - as a man of letters, a businessman-trader-risk manager, and a university professor.
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Nassim specialises in uncertainty and errors in human knowledge, teaching us how to deal with and how to benefit from unpredictability.
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A naturally inspirational orator, Nassim gets amongst his audiences around the world to motivate and personally inspire them.
Er referiert auf Englisch und Französisch.
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